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Rules of Playthrough

Don't Steal

Theft will not be tolerated at Playthrough.  If you are caught stealing from anyone or appropriating items not expressly indicated as "free", immediate action will be taken. Anyone caught stealing will have their badge revoked and will be escorted off the premises. Depending on the severity, police intervention may also be taken. Don't Steal!

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Don't Do Drugs

The buying, selling, or consumption of any illegal substances at Playthrough is strictly prohibited. Anyone caught selling illegal substances will be prosecuted by local law enforcement. Furthermore, anyone found to be noticeably intoxicated and/or effecting other attendees' experience at Playthrough will have their badge revoked and will be escorted off the premises. Don't Do Drugs!


Don't Harass People

We have zero tolerance for harassment in any form, whether verbal, physical, psychological, or sexual, at Playthrough.  We are cultivating an environment where individuals can be themselves without judgment or reproach.  If you are caught or reported to be harassing anyone at Playthrough, your badge will be revoked and you will be escorted off the premises. Don't Harass People!


Don't Touch Stuff That Isn't Yours

If something is not yours, don't touch it.  It is as simple as that. This also applies to the Raleigh Convention Center's property.  If you see something out of place or potentially forgotten, contact an NPC, Playthrough staff member or Show Management. A Playthrough staff member can always be found at the information booth. Remember, if you break it, you buy it. Don't Touch Stuff That Isn't Yours!


Don't Hit People

Violence of any kind will not be tolerated at Playthrough.  Every attendee has the right to a safe and non threatening event.  If you have been assaulted in any way, contact an NPC, Playthrough staff member or Show Management immediately. A Playthrough staff member can always be found at the information booth. If you are caught or found to have assaulted anyone, immediate action will be taken. Anyone who has assaulted another person will have their badge revoked and will be escorted off the premises. Depending on the severity, police intervention may also be taken. Don't Hit People!

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Don't Cheat

Cheating at Playthrough is strictly prohibited.  All participants in games (whether video games, board games, arcade games, etc.) are expected to follow the rules and basic etiquette of gaming.  Don't be "that guy" that cheats when everyone is trying to have fun. Players caught cheating in any tournaments will be immediately disqualified and black listed from any future tournaments. Don't Cheat!

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We're trying to cultivate an environment that is safe for everyone. If you feel like any one of these rules have been broken notify an NPC, one of our staff members, or show management immediately. Someone will always be available to help you at the Playthrough information booth.

Dress Code

These simple rules will help you make sure you come to the show looking fabulous! Please note: These are the basic rules of our dress code. Playthrough staff reserves the right to tell you to change on a judgment call basis. We would suggest that you bring a change of clothes if you feel your outfit may be inappropriate. Anyone found in breach of the following rules will be forced to change or will have to leave the show until they come back in more appropriate attire. 


  • Your outfit must be sturdy enough that it doesn’t fall apart from an accidental nudge or stumble. 

  • Your outfit must cover you at least as well as a modest swimsuit would. This includes thongs or other minimal bottoms. Additionally there are no pasties, tape,  paint or transparent outerwear in lieu of a full coverage top.

  • Your outfit must have shoes or sandals that ensure that no part of your foot touches the floor at any time. This is a rule of the RCC.

  • You cannot wear roller skates, blades, or any variation thereof. (You may still have the skates with you – usually worn by the laces around the neck for photo purposes, you just can’t wear them in the convention area.)

  • Skateboards and hoverboards are not allowed on RCC property.

  • You cannot connect yourself to another person. (No chains, leashes, ropes, or anything else that limits the mobility of another person. This is a safety hazard and thus is not allowed.)

  • No Nudity. All costumes must be PG-13, PG, or G

  • Signs are not costumes.

  • All props must pass the weapons policy, even if you just want to use them during the cosplay contest.


Please remember that if you dress up, people will be looking at you. Playthrough prides itself on being a safe secure place for every attendee. That being said, we cannot stop people from looking at you in costume. Please consider this when deciding what to wear.


If you have any questions about the dress code, please email

Props and Weapons Policy

Please note: These are the basic rules of our props and weapons policy. Playthrough staff reserves the right to rule a prop/weapon as unsafe on a judgment call basis. This policy is in place for the safety of all attendees, exhibitors and staff. Accidents happen but we can keep these rules in place to prepare as much as possible. If your prop or weapons is found to be unsafe a Playthrough staff member will take it from you and store it until you are ready to leave the show (where it will be returned). Anyone found in breach of the following rules will not be able to enter the show until the item in question is turned over to the Playthrough staff. 

Banned Props

These props and weapons are banned from Playthrough. 


Metal Objects- This includes but is not limited to edges (sharp or not) and heavy metal. 

  • Swords, knives, shurikens and other bladed or pointy weapons

  • Golf clubs, pipes, baseball bats

  • Metal armor

  • Metal tools such has hammers or heavy wrenches


Projectile Weapons- All projectile weapons are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Airsoft guns of any time, functional or broken. 

  • Stun guns or tasers

  • Functional water guns

  • Functional Nerf guns

  • Real crossbows or bows (including real arrows)


Signs- Signs are not costumes. 


Baseball Bats- Metal and wooden bats are prohibited. Cardboard, plastic, Nerf and foam bats are permitted so long as you don’t wave them around.


Skateboards and hoverboards are not allowed on RCC property.


Real whips


Allowed Props & Weapons

These items are allowed with certain limitations.


Easily identifiable toy plastic guns. Nerf guns are only permitted if they are unable to fire or be enabled to fire. Water guns may be permitted if they are permanently disabled.


Wooden bokken, staffs or walking sticks


Fake weapons made from cardboard, Styrofoam, rubber, or other craft materials


Prop bows and arrows – A prop bow must not be able to fire a projectile or be enabled to fire a projectile. If the string can be drawn, it will not be allowed. Projectiles (arrows, bolts, Nerf projectiles) are not allowed unless they are unable to be fired.


Large props – If a prop is so large that a single person cannot safely carry it without endangering others, it is not allowed.


Large costumes – If a costume is so large, heavy, or cumbersome that the wearer cannot safely move without the aid of another person, it is not allowed inside the RCC. Basically, if you can cause injury to someone else by running them down with your cosplay, it won’t be allowed past convention checkpoints.


Heavy props – If your prop is so heavy that you cannot safely carry it by yourself, it is too heavy

Any attendee found engaging in horse play or misusing their props or weapons in any way will immediately have that item confiscated. If anyone is found to have breached the rules above will have their badge revoked and will be escorted off the premises. 


All props & weapons will be reviewed by a Playthrough staff member prior to entering the show. Please proceed to the prop check table located right behind the ticket booth at the show entrance.


If you have any questions about the props and weapons policy, please email

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